Well I suppose I should start with the basics.
My name is C.B. and I'm a writer among other things. I'm a college student studying screenwriting and aspiring to be a writer/musician/actor/comedian.
Aside from the birds & the bees I don't totally understand why I am, in every sense of the phrase, and I don't think I ever will but hopefully along my way I'll learn a thing or two about why the wind blows. I guess my aspirations could also play into the why I suppose.
So it goes.
Why does the blog exist?
Well originally this blog came about in a creative writing class and didn't really get much use there but I decided to transform it into a writing blog not long after and here we are today. Since almost everything I write is poetry that's what you'll find here (perhaps I should just call it a poetry blog.) I wanted to start getting my writing out there and sharing it with people. I wanted to share it to get opinions on but also because, since I use my poetry as a form of healing or release, maybe it could help other people as well in one way or another.
Along the lines of my poetry I usually try to be vague and not explain them because I'm all artsy and introspective but also because I don't want to spoil the potential universality of it (i.e. If I say why or how or what I wrote something about then people will have that in mind when the read it as opposed to just going into it with a clean slate and their own experiences)
Though, I will say one thing about when I write my poetry: A lot of times when I write it is about a specific situation, person etc. obviously. I don't write much general poetry because well I started out writing for myself and I don't plan on changing that. This being said sometimes my poetry can be fairly obscure and perhaps un-relatable. I don't apologize for this but I do acknowledge it. The only thing I can guarantee is that it's honest, genuine and made with 100% real fruit juice.
On the note of product placement I suppose I should explain the name.
It comes from the Anberlin song (*Fin), which is the last track on their album Cities, one of my absolute favorite albums.
The entire album has a very special significance to me, and is probably a very big factor in staying my hand from taking my own life during some very hard times. It being one of my favorites off the album it only seemed fitting it become the title.
And another thing,
Since music very obviously has such a large impact on my life, especially since you've seen how much just one album has done I will also but sharing my own personal music tastes via videos, links etc.. I do this for three reasons, I love to spread good music plus I believe amazing artists should be recognized but also because just like poetry music is a major part of my life, poetry is as a release to me as music is the cure, if only for so many minutes and so many seconds.
But that's enough about me, let's talk about we.
I hope you enjoy the poetry and share my blog and what-not
but also keep in mind that these are all original pieces and feel free to quote them as you like and share but I would ask that you give me credit/mention my name. One would eventually like to establish himself as a writer and perhaps make a living of it and this is one of many first steps.
Please don't steal the pieces or anything like that, I'm trusting you.
Pinky promise?
Well that's enough of my blathering,
I hope you enjoy this blog and if you don't well, I can please some of the people some of the time and all the people most of the time but never specific individuals at their convenience.
(I tried to keep this page short and sweet. My original "About We." page was pretty wordy and probably pretty boring so I thought I'd go with more matter and less art and leave that for the poetry. If you're still curious or have any more questions about me or the blog feel free the contact me. You can find all the necessary information under the page of the same name)
Why does the blog exist?
Well originally this blog came about in a creative writing class and didn't really get much use there but I decided to transform it into a writing blog not long after and here we are today. Since almost everything I write is poetry that's what you'll find here (perhaps I should just call it a poetry blog.) I wanted to start getting my writing out there and sharing it with people. I wanted to share it to get opinions on but also because, since I use my poetry as a form of healing or release, maybe it could help other people as well in one way or another.
Along the lines of my poetry I usually try to be vague and not explain them because I'm all artsy and introspective but also because I don't want to spoil the potential universality of it (i.e. If I say why or how or what I wrote something about then people will have that in mind when the read it as opposed to just going into it with a clean slate and their own experiences)
Though, I will say one thing about when I write my poetry: A lot of times when I write it is about a specific situation, person etc. obviously. I don't write much general poetry because well I started out writing for myself and I don't plan on changing that. This being said sometimes my poetry can be fairly obscure and perhaps un-relatable. I don't apologize for this but I do acknowledge it. The only thing I can guarantee is that it's honest, genuine and made with 100% real fruit juice.
On the note of product placement I suppose I should explain the name.
It comes from the Anberlin song (*Fin), which is the last track on their album Cities, one of my absolute favorite albums.
The entire album has a very special significance to me, and is probably a very big factor in staying my hand from taking my own life during some very hard times. It being one of my favorites off the album it only seemed fitting it become the title.
And another thing,
Since music very obviously has such a large impact on my life, especially since you've seen how much just one album has done I will also but sharing my own personal music tastes via videos, links etc.. I do this for three reasons, I love to spread good music plus I believe amazing artists should be recognized but also because just like poetry music is a major part of my life, poetry is as a release to me as music is the cure, if only for so many minutes and so many seconds.
But that's enough about me, let's talk about we.
I hope you enjoy the poetry and share my blog and what-not
but also keep in mind that these are all original pieces and feel free to quote them as you like and share but I would ask that you give me credit/mention my name. One would eventually like to establish himself as a writer and perhaps make a living of it and this is one of many first steps.
Please don't steal the pieces or anything like that, I'm trusting you.
Pinky promise?
Well that's enough of my blathering,
I hope you enjoy this blog and if you don't well, I can please some of the people some of the time and all the people most of the time but never specific individuals at their convenience.
(I tried to keep this page short and sweet. My original "About We." page was pretty wordy and probably pretty boring so I thought I'd go with more matter and less art and leave that for the poetry. If you're still curious or have any more questions about me or the blog feel free the contact me. You can find all the necessary information under the page of the same name)
You remember the house on Ridge Road;
Told you and the Devil to both just leave me alone.
If this is salvation, I can show you the trembling.
You'll just have to trust me. I'm scared.
I am the patron saint of lost causes.
Aren't we all to you just near lost causes? Aren't we all to you just lost?
- Anberlin (*Fin)
- Anberlin (*Fin)