Thursday, February 17, 2011


Sitting halfway
Such a weird day.
I'm still
This is useless,
and it's just meaningless ink
used on a page to help.
Clever phrase.
She giggles.
Rata tat tat
Rata tat tat
And she's sitting there
tat tat
And i'm talking to them
tat tat
And she said "no"
And she's saying "no", go.

& we stop.

But you see
we end
they begin
and that's how it goes.


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? (Who will guard the guards themselves?)

I dove into the freezing water
to try and catch
the steamship leaving the
green waters.
My fingers,
black and gone
now to never learn.
This is a place I never wanted to be,
and I can’t save myself.
The bottom of the ocean isn’t
so cold if you don’t think about it.
Drink the seawater and swallow what you can.
There was never a cure for it.
Crying in the rain, never knew which was which.
Stacking stones,
Drowning was something I wanted
So I swam to the deep
And to find,
One cannot breath.
And you can’t float on
Or you’ll die unless you’re
trying to drown yourself.
Then you’ll live and die.
It’s cold.
And I’m lying
Drunk and on a coach.
The floor is cold
the buzz rings out and I lunge.
To see colder words.
To cry now would be such
A blessing unto a hotel floor.
Dirty and remembrance
To lose again and again
Leaves one thinking he’s not very thoughtfull

Friday, February 4, 2011

Catchers Never Cry or Death by Misadventure Deux (Of my own destruction)

Sitting in the beginning
Of an amazing thing,
Standing on the graves of
Buried people I thought
I would bring no more flowers,
Still can one weep for the lost,
When he’s found what he lost for?
Was it worth it?
And I never got an answer from the
Ghosts who never say a word
Left without a why
Yet I want to bring it back
Bring it back to where it was
Before I tried to lock fingers
To try and hold one here
Who never wanted to stay.

I’ve been inspired by the lost,
And they come back and move
These hands and the ink will
Run until I never lose.

Run until the fall.
To try and stop…
Can’t give up,
The playful girl burned her hand
Still touches that stove…
I see but…
A fire burned,
And there’s still a smolder.
To be used up and thrown away,
She doesn’t want to be caught,
Even though she was.

She never knew what it did.
And she never will.
I can’t stand thinking about