Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sometimes I worry about who/doesn't read(s) these/ Defacing anonymity.

Electronic Devices: Off

So here I am,
Back where it began.
The wheels will touch
Though I won’t remember much,
47 years from now
I’ll just have the ink on this page,
And recollections, just recollections
‘Cause I can’t blame an allergic reaction
To goodbyes, and I cry
Street artists & strangers
Goddamnit Steel city
Strangers, that’s all.
Cold, but it’s all I know.
Fasten your seatbelts,
Said the oddly unattractive sign
Looking back,
At words I wrote a time ago,
I thought I made mistakes then
But all I did was make my bed,
Though now I’ve dealt with the
Crimes laid in it, the best of plans
But linen allusions can often go wrong.

“Ladies and Gentlemen we’ll be landing
Soon the curr-“
My turn to talk,
My plane,
My time,
it’s dark and it’s a city I don’t want anymore.
My stomach dropped, like a bad name and
The thoughts that come with you.
“Say your goodbyes already”
Why should I?
Maybe I should…
There’s a cute girl in front of me,
don’t know her but I care.
Goodbye mildly attractive girl.
I thought about writing you a note
But I’m far too socially awkward
I’ve even stopped rhyming
Back home.
If I even knew what lay ahead,
I think I would schedule another round trip.
But I don’t, so I turned my phone back on.
I shouldn’t have,
But no one told me.
Until now.


My Lord are teens so horny
Drink, Fuck, Smoke.

It’ll kill you we said.
We lied.

Profanity, Sobriety, Society
We are all they know,
So who are they
Show for?
Not like we’re watching.
Let me rephrase that,
Not like we’re entertained.


Two very odd poems... Not even sure if I like them myself.
The first I obviously wrote on a plane a long time ago and the other I just scrawled out, probably angrily.There was a certain stint of time when I was very flowery, almost campy and especially very rhyme-y. There is also another period of time where I wrote some more vulgar, angry, honest things. Slowly transitioning into a place in between where I actually like what I'm writing. The last one, and there are several like it are just short bursts, not enough thoughts for a good whole poem but enough emotion for a small rant. E.T.T.Y.W.W.K. stands for Everything They Taught You Was Wrong Kids, which is written on my lighter. (Odd little fact, I don't really smoke, but I love fire, not in a pyromaniac way. Fire is the reason I started writing. Ashes in the Wind was my first poem but that's a story for another time) It's been a long time since I've posted anything. I hope all of your Christmas's were good, and the New Year is upon us.

I don't know if i'll miss 2011, as far as years go it was a bit of a bastard.

C.B. Franz

Saturday, December 24, 2011

An Early Christmas Gift

Merry Christmas everyone!
And Happy Holidays as well! 

Seeing as all my poems are dreadfully depressing I think 
I'll just post a few good songs for some cheer, eh?
It's been a while, quite a while, since I've posted anything and I do apologize for that. No particular reason just no inspiration or motivation, 
that coupled with finals and coming back home everything's been all over the place. 
So enjoy the tuneage!

Now that will just have to do for you good folks, I can't give you ALL the good Christmas songs now can I? You'll have to get off your lazy, lazy butts and get some for yourself but I hope you enjoyed these nonetheless. 
P.s. The albums which these are from might be a good place to start huh? ;)

And to all a good night,
C.B.  Franz

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Son Shines On A Rainy Day, Refractions Seem To Fade Away

Green Fields

The green grass against my toes,
I’m lost but nobody knows
Where I am.
Everyone so happy
Especially her,
I miss her smile
I miss her laugh
Secrets whispered
And knowing laughs
I rhyme words that are
well…the same.
But the ink from the quill
Will spill on these
Proper terms
And suave words,
These end rhymes are quite
But where was I?
Oh her.
She thinks I don’t see
The way she looks at him,
Not at me.
Doesn’t think I hear her,
He’s got something I don’t
But I’ve still got my words,
Though seldom do those work.
Same old story of heartbreak
We relate to
On the radio.
Everyone deals with this
Not just me, in my flannel
My sandals
I’ll keep walking, my back turned
No knows
Not like it’s the first.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

*Put Down The Bible And Pick Up Your Clothes

Love Letter or
How I Learned To Hate The Pretty girls
Dear Creator,
Benevolent stranger,
Bearded man in the sky,
Pot-bellied meditator,

Take a rib and my hubris
bring to me such a creator
bring forth someone to create for me.
I want a painter
a writer
and a music maker
I’ve created enough and I want to be read to.

I want to fall and
Remake this cliché sin.
I’m done with pleasing you
Just a moan,
closed doors behind me.

How dare you.
You have no right and I will not forgive you.
To sleep with is beautiful, a comfort
and love is what you aren’t.
I will not forgive you
Own your mistake
own what you took
own what was taken from you.

It’s a f*ck.
You’re a fling.
I hope this makes you remember
You don’t have a choice now
The rest of the poem lies is in your head.
You made your mistake, now lie with him.


If I said I knew what exactly brought this poem on I'd be lying, it's 3:48 am and I am/was working on a paper and the beginning popped into my head and then took a sudden angry turn. I really like this one though. You've been getting a lot of songs off Anberlin's album "Cities" and I promise I'll get some different music to you, I think I'll put a Smiths song in this post below. I apologize for the lack of posts and oddity of the last ones. I usually don't apologize for oddity (That'd be a cool poem title).


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

If A Stranger Turns Up Missing His Song Is My Confession

Repression & Regression
It’s proof
This poem
It’s written
In an un-holy scrawl
God’s finger on the wall
I’ll find myself hanging
on the string that held the world
I’m done and gone
the devil’s got my lucid, lost mind.
checking a watch and my mind
full of a lusty loss
belief in where I’d end up
is a strange thing
to believe in the failure of yourself.
an undermining confidence
I’m not strong enough
along a wine filled river
Towards a tree where I’ll make my decision. 

I must move on.
I must move on.
I must move on.
I must move on.
I have to move on.
I have to move on.
I have to move on.
Have to move on.
I have to forget the past
forget the past
It's a blur but it still hunts me
It's a blur but it still haunts me.
It's crystal clear. I lied.
I lied and I need to forget my mistkes
I lied and I need to forge my mistake
I lied and I need to free my mistakes.

I'll be honest, I need to forget my mistakes.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

*Benson Hedges/Opposites at that.

I’m terrified you’ll leave me
and you’re not even here yet.

I’m terrified you’ll leave me
And you’re not even here yet.
I said it again,
I think about it more than once,
It’s a common theme.
It’s almost happened.
A common dream,
See my dreams taunt me,
The give me what I can’t have
And stop me from getting what might be.
It’s a disease a sickness
Narcolepsy at its finest
Fall asleep mind conversation
Mid flirt
Wake up sad
Over a dream,
And a lucid one at that.

I drop names, and memories
Hoping to forget this
The title of this
Screaming sobbing
I babble about uncertainty
And I hate what I know is true
It’s gone
And it’s a dream now.
We shape it.
We taste it and it’s salty.
Like the way her tears taste.
Tough not to quote Panic!
They seem to get things right.

A far thing
A insomniacs fling
With a girl with gorgeous eyes
Stuck in a world of my creation. 

Graveyard Billings
I took a step back.
If this is a ledge calling out
I pray.
They say two or three gathered
But I am one.
So it’s as none,
A robed man ignores the individual.            

Wake up.
Your baptism was lie.
Wake up.
It was just water.
Wake up.
I’m cynical.
Wake up.
You don’t know me.

Listen as your ears bleed
Watch your eyes fall out of your skull
Douse a monk and light a match
Generally surgery forewarnings.
You don’t smoke do you?
And sex? But of course, it’s a natural thing.
Oh no? And drinking? But you’re only 17
You see it’s a mad man’s world
But with a fake ID
It’s allowed
Alcoholically acceptable
and clinically insane.
Drink to get drunk
For the fish it’s to breathe
And the smoke?
For your lungs and eyes for TV

I can guarantee what’s on the other side
Is far more interesting than the concrete.

Refraction of Our Nights

You want to see a city
or that of it’s people?
Stand up on a ledge
Or walk,
2 or 3 am 
With a benson and hedge
Either way you’ll kill yourself slowly.

I don’t want to have a 
A rebirth,
A reckoning everytime I break my heart over a girl. 

It’s lasting,
In a car,
And warm.

That’s it.
These memories.
My words
Their short,
Because they’re….
A refraction of our nights.

That’s where I end up.
2 am.
In a city that sleeps,
While the rest of the world is up
With someone,
If she is,
I don’t ever want to find out.
But I know I might. 

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I tell you this, because I know to be true
When you hang your life by a single thread
you're bound to fall through.
And when you'll look for those you'd hope would catch you.
It seems they rarely do.

Friday, November 11, 2011

You Better Run Faster Than The Storms Or The High Water That Remains

So these 2 solid B-sides I found not too long ago, One iss called "Hell Or High Water" and the other is "Heavier Things Remain" and of course both by Anberlin. They're both awesome tracks, I'll be honest I think these should have been on their latest album Dark Is The Way. Light Is A Place instead of some of the ones on there but oh well, all good regardless. 

Thought I'd start with these because they more appropriately express how I'm feeling right now, you can probably tell that from the poems a I posted a few minutes ago.

Now I'm usually not a Dubstep fan, most remixes are awful, I listen to a little bit of Skrillex or Bassnectar but that's about it. Now there is a time and place for Dubstep and I think this "Song Of Storms" remix by Ephixa is in the right time and place. It's a a really chill, slow track and chock full of nostalgia, take a listen.

Now as I am quite aware we are all probably very sick of remixes and covers of Foster The People's "Pumped Up Kicks" but this is an exception. This cover/remix by Cris Cab is really solid, the song really lends itself to the reggae tones and Cab's voice. This one's my favorite of the week, maybe the month, stumbled upon this yesterday and it's real solid and chill.
Well that's it for me guys & gals, until next post


Past & Future Slam Together With Regression

R.I.P. Innocence

2 a.m.
A desperate text
A cry for help.
Drowsy & a bit
I grab the flashing screen,
And all at once
The girl I cared for
Scarred for
Now sings the song,
The words I hear,
My stomach turns
My face pale,
But I still long to help her,
My friend
Her love
Betrayal I’d once see
I can see her tears
Miles away
Only wise words,
Wise? Say’s who?
Can I give
I wish it was more,
I miss the ring of
A joy once innocent
It’s gone
She gave that up
To the boy she did adore.

Gate D-2

The flash of tinged lights
LED glow of bad news &
Angry words,
Blankets our faces.
Jets dock and changing clocks
Bags running,
I forgot how stunning
I feel when I’m with you.
Fate’s missed the gate
She’s running late
Bu that’s alright
I’ll hold you tight
And drift away with you.

We’ll stay here,
These cramped chairs
laying next to you.

They called our plane,
We’ll take a train
I’m not moving away from you.

The lights blow out & gates crash
But here I am with you,

The attendant wakes me up
Never will I leave this place

My head in the clouds,
halls rumble loud

Crack my eyes,
light shines bright
My eyes not used to your

I shake you, wake you
You shudder and 
I move your hair
We stare
Where were we even going?

'Ello all, Sorry it's been a while I haven't felt too inspired lately and it's been a weird past couple of weeks. I was having a great day until one thing set me off, figured this next poem was an appropriate for that very reason. It's Veteran's Day, so I'll throw another one having to do with that as well. Have a good one until the next post every one. Four poems in all to make up for my absence.  They're all related in one way or another, and they connect to my day.

I'll have some music for you guys up in a second and I'll update all the pages this afternoon.




Fitting it seems,
Coddling wet stage
an inappropriate place for a real life session
Wet? Rain the why,
And wet gunpowder never flares
But starts the thoughts
Oh trigger.
     The Title.
          Of scores and scores
                   Noble savagery poetry
          Bring forth my pain
Memories, fright
& Blood.
Hate & you & us.
To never pick apart the sun again.
but I lied
          you see.
                   you’re seeing

One for my fallen brother

Drops of rain resound
Check the ground
The lightning cracks and
All is gone.

Split second

The clouds are dark & grey,
My dreams fade away
find the bottle in my belt
Swirl the glass, taste the air
Let it’s drops take my cares

Tip the glass and I breathe in
Taste the wheat & sulfur sin
Sigh of pain & relief,
And a moan breaks the silence.

The amber stirs & hits the ground
Crows hear my thoughts
“This was for my fallen brother,
I pray to god he’ll have another.”

The crimson drips the iron rust,
My coldest fate within my touch.
Pull  the trigger, tilt the glass
This drink, was our last.